Top reasons why you should study in a group

As humans are social beings, interactions and discussions are the two most important keys for effective learning.

According to Richard Feynman, we learn more effectively by teaching others.

Group study with appropriate mates really helps to boost up your learning along with personal and professional development.

Psychologically too group study is really helpful in order to eliminate loneliness. Group study is really helpful if you are preparing for tough board exams, entrance exams, and university exams. 

Sometimes it is easy to climb the mountain than alone.

Note: Before you decide to form a study group with your classmates, make sure that you know them well and you can study with them. Don’t indulge a large no of people in your group rather keep it small.

How to form a study group?

  • Get to know your classmates well. Before you ask anyone if they are interested to form a study group with you, you have to make sure that they are motivated enough. 
  • You should only form a group with classmates who have a strong grasp of the subject matter that you are going to study. Also, make sure that they are helpful and easy to work with.
  • While forming a group study make sure that your group is fairly small. The big group often is hard to manage so focus on indulging few people.
  • Make a fixed set of study plans like What are you going to study? How many times a week are you gathering?  Where are you going to study? What is the responsibility of each member?

Advantages of studying in a group?

There are a lot’s of advantages to studying in a group. Some of them are:

  • Group study creates an atmosphere where you can focus on study more effectively.
  • The main advantage of studying in a group is that it can keep you on track so that you are always motivated and committed to your work.
  • If you have some confusion regarding the material gone over in class, you can take the help of your classmates during group study.
  • While studying in a group, you get a chance to share your ideas and get some new ideas as well. That way it really broadens your perspective to a new height helping in your personal development.
  • Another big advantage with studying in a group is that in case you missed lectures due to some work or so, you can take help from any other member. Furthermore, topics that you missed can also be learn and you can get missed lectures note as well.
  • You can improve your communication and socializing skills through group study making your connection better with your mates.
  • Most of all, it is more fun and interesting to study in a group than studying alone.

Disadvantages of studying in a group

There are some major things to look out for when you plan to study in a group, which could easily lead to disadvantages.

  • Group study might lead to further distractions if you don’t have specific goals for your study.
  • It’s easy to stay away from the subject and the goals you have set as a group. Remember that you’re not gathering to socialize, you’re there to study, learn and make a better version of yourself.
  • Sometimes it can create situations for egoistic debate among the mates due to a lack of proper mutual understanding.
  • For many times there are some vital things that we might prefer doing alone such as focused practice, speed reading, and thinking creatively. But we might not be able to do such things in our group study.
  • Since we have less control over the external environment we might not do all our work effectively.

Note: Don’t start to do unnecessary stuff in group studies like complaining about teachers, friends, and subjects, you can do all this when you have some free time.

Make sure that all mates feel an equal sense of participation

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