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Best ways to study for long hours

How to study for long hours?

To be honest, we are all experiencing the trauma of the exam and know how difficult it is to complete a year’s syllabus in a week or even a day. When the exam knocks on our door, we panic and look for a way to get everything done as soon as possible. Now the question comes about how to study for long hours.

I am thinking of studying for 12 to 16 hours at a time. You may have heard many say that long study methods are ineffective, but we all swear to study for the last moment. Let’s take a look at some guidelines that will give you tips on how to study effectively for a long time. What do you do during your study break? 

Working on something all the time can make you feel stressed and bored. Similarly, hours of non-stop study can be completely exhausting. So, plan your research plan wisely, focus on diet, exercise, short breaks, practice yoga and make sure your routine doesn’t tire you.  In this article, we’ve covered all the best strategies to study for long hours.

1. Best activities to do in between study

  •  Go for a walk 
  •  listen to music 
  •  Surf the web 
  •  Take a nap, etc. 

 Here are three important aspects you should try to relax your mind a little: 


  •  Eat a healthy diet 
  •  Nuts and seeds 
  •  Whole grains, beans, pomegranate juice 
  •  caffeine 
  •  Blueberries etc. 

 Mental activity: 

  •  Weight training 
  •  Cardio / Aerobics 
  •  meditation 
  •  Breathing and yoga 

All of this helps improve mental performance and concentration. 


  •  7-9 hours of sleep 
  •  Try to get up early 
  •  Take a short break 
  •  Prioritize learning topics  

2. Very effective learning habits without fatigue: 

 Listed below are some effective learning techniques that give all students the best opportunity to study effectively before the exam without getting tired. 

See for yourself 

 Start by manifesting that you can do it. You can achieve everything you believe you can do. Achieving this requires physical and mental strength. Also, the night before you actually study for a long time, you need to prepare yourself. This strengthens your determination and makes you think twice before giving up. 

 Take a good rest

 Have you ever wondered why your mom put you to sleep in the afternoon? 

 Yes, you have it While you sleep, your body, like your brain, constantly creates new cells. When your body is well rested, you can study effectively and as much as you like. 

 Therefore, a good night’s sleep is important for physical and mental stamina that requires long hours of study. 

 Eat lightly

 A large amount of energy in our body is wasted during digestion. Therefore, always eat foods that are easy to digest so that you do not feel tired or dizzy while studying. 

 Consume carbohydrates and protein. Avoid fried foods, fats, and sugar as much as possible. Do not drink cola or junk food from the outside, or drink plenty of water or fruit juice.


 Move before sitting to study or during breaks. Exercise will greatly increase your energy level and you will feel more careful and agile. Avoid intense strength training such as lifting heavy weights and high-intensity aerobic exercise. 

 We recommend a few minutes of yoga, Pilates, or a treadmill, a quick walk, a skipping rope, or a 30-minute swim. 

 Identify the best time in learning

 We all have a certain time on the day when we are the most energetic, efficient, and creative. These are your peak hours. Try to identify them to get the most out of your time. Some people find it relatively easy to study all night, while others find it easy to study all day, but it can be difficult to stay awake after midnight. 

This all depends on your individual learning habits. Therefore, an important learning tip is to identify peak hours. 6. Caffeine has both good and bad sides. 

 You may think that drinking a lot of coffee will help you keep awake. Unfortunately, this concept is wrong. Yes, it raises your energy level, but consuming too much makes you feel sleepy rather than energetic.  

 The sugar content is the devil here. If you plan to drink coffee, make sure it is sugar-free and the total is 2-3 cups or less. 

 Increase concentration: 

 A long time is full of distractions. It’s very easy to lose focus or get bored. Do a simple intensive exercise every day to improve it. Light a candle in a dim room. 

 Stand upright with your legs crossed like a yoga asana, staring at the candle flame for as long as possible without thinking. It’s very difficult at first, but as your level of concentration increases, you gradually increase your time and concentration.  

 Cut out the distractions 

 If there is something distracting everywhere, you can neither concentrate nor try to improve your concentration. Clean up your laptop when you are not using it for study. Turn off or mute your mobile phone. 

Of course, you can check important calls and messages during breaks, but this is not always the case. The motivation is to keep away from the constant cell phone beeps and the urge to post or review social media profiles.  

 Take a short break

 The best way to stay focused and stay on for a long time is to take a 10–15-minute break every 1-2 hours of study and a 30-minute break every 6-8 hours. The average human attention is about an hour. What we have learned will surely stay with us for a long time.

Divide and organize

 If you can’t complete your work and repeat the same chapter over and over, hours of study will be useless. You can avoid this by splitting it up and organizing it a bit more. 

 Read first, study next, then write. Identify the mistake. We tend to remember mistakes, so always make a list of your mistakes and work on them more.  

Add variations

 Adding variations can be very helpful, especially when trying to study straight for a few hours. It’s one way to avoid boredom.  

 For example, if you are preparing for a variety of subjects such as history, geography, or English, try studying history for an hour before switching to geography or English. Similarly, shuffle two chapters for one topic. This breaks the monotony.  

Writing is better than reading

 It is better to write when studying for a long time. When I think about the answer, I get distracted and feel like I wasn’t studying properly when I actually studied. First of all, there is no way you can fall asleep while you write. 

You tend to be more vigilant. Second, remember it when you write, and recite it mentally when you write. Therefore, the written work is more accurate because it combines memory, spiritual recitation, and last writing. 

3. Be creative and develop smart learning habits

This is the most important rule for effective long hours of learning. Boredom is the greatest enemy of hours of research and can hinder all your efforts. Boredom is involuntary and out of control, but you can follow certain tricks to bring creativity into your learning and get rid of it. Here, we will explain various creative learning methods. These are some clever ways. 

Create a visual image

 The idea here is to create a visual or abstract image of the theory you are learning. We remember better than seeing and hearing. A simple example is when you want to remember. 

 Make only stubborn people red

 Red memorization is a method of continuously repeating information and stuffing it into the brain. This leads to temporary memory, which is often forgotten after a day. 

 Have curiosity

 First, if you keep asking why and what, the learning material forms an interesting logical pattern, and that part looks more obvious. 

 Second, it does not distinguish between what is important and what is not. By asking “why?”, you are inspecting further. It will help you erase the unimportant parts. 

 Become an artist 

 Drawing a diagram makes it easy to simplify complex things. A simple example is if you need to learn all parts of the human body or something at a more complex level, just draw a part or look at a diagram. I remember well This is just an advanced form of visualization. Great for geography, biology, chemistry, physics, and more. 

 Become your own teacher

 Teaching someone or yourself is an effective learning method. If you can’t find someone to teach you, pretend to be a student and explain loudly. Try to convey the information as easily as possible so the children can understand it. You will find that you understand it better than you read it. It’s called simplification.  

 Find your favorite place and stick to it

 Once you find your favorite place to study, half of your work is done. It helps you focus, relax and not get bored for a very long time. It could be a desk, a sofa, or a bed. It can be wherever you feel most relaxed. 

 Test yourself

 If you have enough time left, or even between chapters, do some testing. You don’t have to write down everything. Record the information in bullet points that you can develop later in your head. 

 Have fun to avoid depression, tension, and unnecessary tension

 You can socialize, meditate, exercise, eat, and party. Just what you need to do to relax. Some people get nervous when they relax before an exam.

4. How to study for hours without distraction?

 Distractions are common, especially when students are hard-working. In today’s Internet-friendly world, where Facebook, WhatsApp, mobile, and more have become an integral part of our lives, it’s even more likely to be distracting. To overcome all these distractions while studying, you can follow these tips. 

  • Put your smartphone in silent mode 
  • Turn off internet access.  
  • Get 8 hours of sleep every night.  
  • Take a deep breath if you are distracted. 
  • Use to prioritize your tasks.  
  • Take complete privacy.  

5. How to concentrate and study for hours?

Concentration is very helpful while students are studying, especially during exams. It helps you avoid all kinds of distractions. Here are some tips to follow to stay focused for long periods of time: 

  •  Know the purpose 
  •  Fix location 
  •  Good sleep habits 
  •  meditation 
  •  Ergonomics 
  •  Intelligently plan your research 
  •  Short break between 
  •  Plan the appropriate routine 
  •  Diet and fitness 
  •  Don’t use the internet.
  •  Avoid excessive socializing


Of course, studying for a long time means that you don’t have much time to prepare for the exam. No matter how much you learn, if you don’t relax, you will be traumatized. Therefore, relax, always think practically, and avoid fantasies and hesitations. Time is precious. Please use it wisely.

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