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Study Time table

Best timetable for study-Best for school and college students?

Best timetable for study? There is no hard and fast rule for this but in this article, we’ll cover the most important things to consider while making time table for study.

For many students, studying is a phenomenon that suffers from interruptions, mental distractions, procrastination, and lack of time. This adversely affects their performance and causes anxiety and stress that unnecessarily annoy them. 

To avoid this, it is necessary to create a learning plan with appropriate time management to reduce the stress level to some extent.  A timetable is an inexpensive tool for managing your study time. Outline the tasks that need to be completed in time. 

If you’re organized, motivated, and want to do your job as well as possible, try crafting the perfect lesson plan for your students.  

Why does a student need a timetable for study?

A proper study schedule is very important in student life. Just like schools/universities create course schedules to organize their educational process, students need to create curricula to organize their learning. 

  • Learning time management is essential for student success. Proper time management helps students improve their learning. 
  • Students spend less time on self-study than on actual learning because it takes time to learn and teach. This dilemma arises when students disorganize their time and fail to take on assignments at the same time due to which students have less time to study.
  •  As a result, lack of time lost a significant portion of their study, and students felt depressed and pessimistic before the exam. Because of this, they get a lower test scores than they deserve. 
  • However, a proper timetable will help students manage their time for school/college homework, extracurricular activities, and social life.  
  • Making time table primes your brain for doing the task on daily basis in an organized way.
  • It also serves as a reminder of your regular research commitment and allows you to monitor your progress. 
  • You can also see if you are spending a lot of time on unnecessary activities or taking a short break during your study time. You can then create a study schedule that directly helps you manage your time more effectively and manage your study stress. For this reason, students should create a study timetable.

How do I create an effective study schedule? 

  • With all of this in mind, it’s now easier than ever to plan your studies. 
  • Survey schedules can be created with pen and paper or online using MS Excel. 
  • If you create your timetable with pen and paper, keep it organized and avoid disorientation. If you create an Excel file, print it when you’re ready. 
  • Keep your schedule on your desk so you don’t forget what you need to do next. When you’re away from your studies, memorize your entire class schedule and always remember your next assignment. 
  • After creating your study plan, there are a few things you can consider to help you study more effectively and efficiently.

Here are some practical tips on how to frame a study plan. Find these and try molding them into a style that suits you. 

1. Know you’re learning style  

Everyone has different things to do, so don’t follow someone else’s schedule. Everyone in this world is different by nature, with different body structures, different grips and catches, different creative abilities, and, of course, different learning styles. The first step is to find the learning style that works best for you. 

Some are morning learners; some are night owls. Coordinate your research and make time for yourself.

3. Don’t be too ambitious

Sometimes while making a timetable we tend to make a complex plan. At the time of making a plan we are motivated as a result we tend to make a plan saying I’ll do this and that at the same time, I’ll study for straight 10-12 hours a day.

After sometimes our motivation goes away and our mind becomes overwhelmed. Then we tend to procrastinate.

For E.g. you may be struggling to study for daily 2-3 hours consistently on daily basis but you make a plan of looking for 10-12 hours. In this case, you are certainly  going to fail.

Instead, make a plan that is executable and increase your study hours slowly and gradually.

3. Create the perfect learning environment 

Do you feel like studying alone or in a group? Is the library your feasible space or home? Find the elements you are most comfortable with and create that environment in some way each time you study.  

4. Become Time Lord 

Now that you have the perfect settings, plan your study week. If you set aside a certain amount of time every day just for studying, you can never make an excuse to say, “But I didn’t have time!”

 Be consistent and commit yourself regardless of your situation.

The schedule will master your time. If you don’t have it yet, get help from experts in recreating one.

 5. Balance your free time 

Manage your time evenly by splitting it up for both study and leisure activities. The time spent studying and doing physical activity is also very important for the student’s overall growth. 

Don’t waste your free time chatting with friends, ideally spend time on social media, and every minute is precious. Use it for studying instead.

6. Check your progress 

On daily basis at night, check how much you’ve made progress and reward yourself if you have progressed. If not note down the mistakes that you made in the execution of your plan. 

7. Plan a break 

Short breaks are necessary in order to spend more time studying. 

We are humans, not robots that can work non-stop for hours. We too need a break to do our job well. Research by many experts suggests that it takes 15 minutes after working 45 minutes to avoid discrepancies. 

While taking breaks you can do some yoga practices as well.

Also, remember that everyone’s abilities and abilities are different. So, get one that works best for you.

8. Make your study interesting

In life, everything is interesting if you add some elements of joy and diversity. The same applies to study as well.

Studying can be interesting as long as the schedule is diverse. Perhaps you’d like to study different topics each day, or completely different types of tasks (writing papers, drawing figures, reading, annotating, etc.) in each session. 

If you feel you are getting bored just by reading and writing you can watch a few videos online about the topics you are studying. But remember not to be distracted while using electronic devices.

9. Reward yourself  

Reward yourself after each lesson. Watch your favorite shows, call your friends, play games, and eat jelly beans. Let’s power nap! Whatever motivates you to complete the session.  

10. Take the test 

To check how much you’ve learned is of utmost importance to check because sometimes we assume that we’ve learned but while giving the exams we tend to forget so many things.

So, test yourself with flashcards, practice questions, or classic book closing techniques. Ask your friends to quiz you and don’t stop until you’ve answered all the questions correctly. Then it’s gummy bear time.

11. Ask for help 

Sometimes you get stuck. There may be questions that you don’t understand or don’t know where you’re going wrong. You may have read the essay 20 times and squinted.

 But it’s OK! This is learning, remember it. Just ask for help. You can use online resources or take the help of your friends, seniors, and teachers.

12. Keep the schedule 

Sticking to a research plan is just as important as creating it as it boosts your confidence level. No one creates a schedule with the intention of ignoring it. However, such a situation can occur when you have to give up studying for a day or hours due to an urgent job. 

Many students are often confused about how to schedule and adhere to classes. For this reason, it is important to allow enough time for social and physical activity in parallel with your studies. This additional time should be included in the student’s daily study schedule. 

Another way to stick to your study schedule is to reward yourself for successful and consistent study. Most important thing is to make your study interesting.

Let’s look at an example of a student’s daily schedule. 

5:00 am: Get into the habit of getting up early in the morning. 

5:00 am-5:20 am: Complete and update all utilities. 

5:20 am-5:40 am: Head out onto the patio and take a deep breath as the fresh oxygen invigorates our spirits. On the other hand, you can also exercise, do yoga, or meditate to keep yourself fresh and active throughout the day. 

5:40 am-6:00 am: Review everything you learned the night before. 

6:00 am-6:15 am: A cold shower can help you stay fresh and active all day long. You don’t get tired even if you take a bath every day before start studying.

 6:30 am -7:00 am: Eat a healthy breakfast and prepare for school. 

Everyone will be home by 2:30pm or 3:00 pm. 

3:00 pm-3:30 pm: Lunch. 

3:30 pm-4:30 pm: Take a short nap. 

4:30 pm-6:00 pm: Lessons (if there are participants). 

6:00 pm-7:00 pm: Play outside or exercise. 

7:15 pm-9:00 pm: Learn math. 

9:00 pm-9:30 pm: Have a light dinner. 

9:30 pm-10:30 pm: Review or learn what you got from school as hardware. 

10:30 pm-11:00 pm: Repeat all topics of the day at a glance. 

11 pm: Go to bed. 

I hope this timetable will help you in your research and you will find it productive and effective. If you find it difficult to come up with your own study plan, you can use this as a guide or design one according to your personal aptitude.

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