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Best books on Money

10 Best books on money – understand the science of money?

Having a really good foundation regarding the basics of money gives you a huge edge to earning massive wealth. For this, there are some of the classics – the best books on money to read.

These books are really great for those who want to know how money actually works. As our emotions, the very way we think about money has a great impact on being rich thus these books certainly help to make us a money magnet.

After reading these books you’ll know about the science behind all the rich people you can think of, and how money and the mind are interrelated. They will help you to program your subconscious mind for earning money. 

Although some of the books seem to be similar but believe me they have their own distinct flavor. Thus I recommend reading all of them thoroughly. 

These books are must read to make a very strong foundation regarding accumulating wealth, preparing your mind for earning money, basics of 

saving and investing.

1. Think and grow rich by Napoleon Hill

Napoleon Hill investigated more than 40 millionaires to find out why they were them. At Think and Grow Rich, he gives you this knowledge. Whatever the mind can understand and believe, the mind can achieve it. was written after 20 years of research with recorded sales of more than 100 million copies.

It is all time one of the best books on money classics changing the financial lives of thousand of people all around the globe.

4 big ideas 

  • Desire is the starting point for all achievements. 
  • When a defeat comes, accept it as a sign that your plans are not healthy, rebuild those plans, and set sail again towards your coveted goals.
  • Your greatest success often comes just one step after the defeat catches up with you.  
  • Set clear goals and watch the world set aside immediately to get you through. 


  • You can never have a great deal of wealth unless you go into a heated thirst for money and in fact, you can believe that you own it.  
  • If you can’t visualize great wealth in your imagination, you will never see it in your bank balance. If what you want to do is right and you believe it, do it. 
  • Remember what “they,” say when you spread your dreams and experience a temporary defeat. Because “they” may not know that every time they fail, they will receive equal seeds of success.  
  • You may have been disappointed, you may have suffered setbacks and defeats in difficult economic times, and you may have felt your big heart shattered until it bleeds.
  • . Keep in mind that these experiences have solidified that the spiritual metal you are making-they is an asset of unparalleled value. 
  • Everyone who succeeds in life gets off to a bad start and faces many tragic struggles before “getting there”. No one will be defeated until the defeat is accepted as a reality. There is a difference between wanting something and being willing to receive it. 
  • Faith is a state of mind that can be triggered or generated by affirmative or repetitive commands to the subconscious through the principles of self-proposal.
  •  Repeating or seeing commands to your subconscious is the only way to spontaneously develop feelings of belief. 
  • Each of us is what we are for the dominant thoughts that allow us to occupy our hearts. By repeating the thoughts, any idea, plan, or purpose can come to mind.
  •  Your subconscious mind only recognizes and acts on emotions and thoughts that are well mixed with emotions.
  • Go to a quiet place that isn’t disturbed or disturbed (preferably in bed at night), close your eyes, speak out (so that you can hear your words), and repeat the statement about the amount you want to save. A description of the period of accumulation and the services or products that will be offered in return for the money. 

2. The science of Getting Rich by Wallace Wattles

The Science of Getting Rich gives you permission to embrace your natural wish for wealth and elaborates why wealth guides you to a rich and fulfilling state of mind, body, and soul. The book is listed “50 Success Classics” in the book of 2004 by personal development scholar Tom Butler-Bowdon.

The science of getting rich explains how fundamental laws of making money work making it one of the best books on money of all time.

Big ideas 

  • Wealth is needed to nourish the body, mind, and spirit and lead a truly fulfilling life. 
  •  When you combine your beliefs and goals with actions against your goals, you begin to see them become reality. 
  • Using your talent will lead to greater growth in realizing your dreams. 


  • Whether it’s growing a garden, starting a family, or simply learning new skills, everyone wants to make progress and lead a prosperous life. We all seem to have everything and always see people getting more. How do you do that? What is the reason why certain people attract wealth and affluence? How can I get what I want?  
  • Living within the natural limits of opportunity, money and time makes it difficult for us all to get what we want.
  •  It’s easy to think that there is a lot to do. We often believe that it is impossible to move forward in such a highly competitive world. 
  • In the science of wealth, Wallace Wattles teaches that, contrary to common beliefs, there is a lot of wealth and happiness. This book also reveals ideas that will bring you all the wealth and joy you desire. It was also the inspiration for Rhonda Byrne’s The Secret.

3. Rich Dad Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki

Rich Dad Poor Dad is about Robert Kiyosaki and his two fathers, his true father (poor father) and best friend’s father (wealthy father), and his thoughts on money and investment by both men. About how to shape. The best-selling financial book today. 

Rich Dad Poor Dad explains the basic concepts of savings, taxes, jobs vs entrepreneurship opening the minds of people to how money works making it one of the best books on money.

Big ideas

  • The poor middle class works for money. The rich are making money for themselves. 
  • A deeper understanding of assets and liabilities
  • It’s all about how much money you hold rather than how much you earn.
  • The poor and the middle class acquire the debt they consider to be an asset while the rich make more money.


• Money comes and goes, but if you know how money works, you can get over it and start building your wealth.  

Human life will forever be ruled by her two emotions: fear and greed.  

• So many people say that at some job he worked 8 hours a day and still doesn’t want the money.

You’re lying to yourself if you think your job will keep you safe.

• Intelligence solves problems and makes money.  

• You need to know the difference between assets and liabilities and buy assets. 

• Wealth puts money in your pocket. Responsibility takes money away from you.

• Money reveals our tragic human shortcomings and highlights what we don’t know. 

• Cash flow tells us how people handle money. 

• Most people don’t understand that they are struggling financially because they don’t understand cash flow.

• Taxes are the biggest expense for most people.

• Higher income means higher taxes. This is called “pinch creep”.

• Fear of things keeps most people from looking for new ways to solve problems.

• You can be highly educated, professionally successful, or financially clueless.

4. The secrets of the millionaire mind by T. Harv Eker

The secrets of millionaire mind by T. Harv Eker reveals the missing link between striving for success and achieving it! 

Big ideas 

  • Those who wish to reach higher levels of life are willing to let go of old thoughts and parts of their being and embrace the new.
  • Lack of funds is just a symptom of what’s going on underneath.


  • A lack of knowledge is not what is holding us back from our success. We don’t know this is our biggest obstacle.  
  • You are taller. If you want to be promoted to any level of life, you must let go of old thoughts and parts of your being and embrace the new.
  • The key to success is boosting your energy and people are naturally attracted to you. And when it appears, attack!
  • The major four quadrants are the physical world, the emotional world, and the mental world. 
  • Lack of funds is never the deciding factor.  Lack of money is just a symptom of what’s going on underneath.

5. You were Born Rich by Bob Proctor

You Were Born Rich provides a complete and proven system for unleashing the potential you have locked in to achieve financial, emotional, physical, and spiritual wealth. 

Recognized worldwide as one of the most comprehensive books on self-development, Bob Proctor’s “You Were Born Rich” opens your eyes to the talented and talented reservoirs that lie within you. 

Big ideas 

  • Instead of telling us what society generally thinks and what to do, start relating what you do to money. 
  • The two are completely related, so take a careful inventory of your thoughts and your current financial situation! 
  • Understand why every millionaire is a master image maker who understands the absolute need to create the right images in their mind. 
  • Learn how to really let go and surrender your image to your internal and external forces that will soon work to embody the image in your mind. 
  • Incorporate one of the most powerful words, “expectations,” into your daily life. 


  • Anyone who knows the truth learns to love it. Those who love the truth learn to appreciate and stick to it. It is undeniable that money is important to everyone living in a civilized society.  
  • Always remember that money is a servant. You are the master Understand that thinking is not enough you have to act. 
  • You have a great resource of talent and abilities just waiting to be expressed.  
  • Understand that an “image” is an image of the mind consisting of thoughts, and the splendor of the mind lies in the fact that it can “think”. 
  • In other words, you can use your thoughts to create any image. There is an image before everything we do. We first think about getting an idea and then work.

6. The richest man in Babylon by George S. Clarson

Babylon’s millionaire George S. Clarson’s classic business book, loved by millions of people, reveals the financial principles that hold the key to personal wealth along with the secrets of senior citizen success. Is-a a sure road to happiness and prosperity that simply puts it on the list of best books on money. 

Big ideas: 

1) Start fattening your wallet: save money. 

2) Manage your spending: Don’t spend more than you need.

3) Grow your money: Invest wisely. 

4) Protect your treasure from loss: Avoid investments that sound too good. 

5) Make your home a profitable investment: Own your home. 


  • For those who understand the simple rule of making money, there is a lot of money. 
  •  Babylon was the wealthiest city in the world during its heyday because people knew the value of money.  You must always have the income to keep your wallet full.
  • Many people just actually look for wealth, focus on it, and never commit to it. 
  • Young people often mistakenly assume that the old and the wise have only the wisdom of the days gone by.  
  • You don’t start building wealth until you realize that some of all the money you make belongs to you. That means paying for yourself first. You always pay for goods and services to others. Pay as much as you can. 
  • Save money.  You need to save at least 1/10 of the amount you earn. More if you can afford it.

7. Money: Master the Game by Tony Robbins

Money: Master the Game is based on extensive research and personal interviews with over 50 financial professionals. The result is a seven-step plan to ensure financial freedom making it one of the best financial books on money. 

Tony Robbins explains to readers of all income levels the steps to be financially free by creating a lifetime income plan. 

Big ideas 

  • Make money instead of sitting down and eating up inflation. 
  • Understand the power of compounding.
  • Make appropriate investment decisions. -How much do you need to save to get the most out of your return on investment without having to work? 
  • Financial safety rules: save money every month, make small adjustments.
  • Understanding the high fees charged by investment trusts and investment professionals. 
  • Understanding of trustees and stock brokers 
  • Trust yourself when it comes to investing. 
  • Imitation of world-renowned investors and their strategies. 
  • When trying to beat the market, be aware that few people can do it. 


  • The first rule of financial security: save money every month. Think of savings as a “free fund.” Even if funds are tight, the free fund must continue at all costs.
  •  The ideal goal is to always save 10% of your income. If it’s too difficult at first, shoot at 5%. 
  •  Make fine adjustments, such as avoiding eating out and saving as much money as possible. Put those savings in the Free Fund.
  •  Due to the compound interest effect, the more you add, the more profitable the Free Fund will be. 
  • Trustees and professionals are not a good use of your money. Rewards will be paid to everyone, with or without returns. Nor can you predict the stock market or know how best to spend your money. They are often advised to sell you things. 
  • Mutual funds are also not a wise investment, as they also cost a lot of money. Given these fees and their modest returns, it is clear that mutual funds are not the wisest investment decision.

8. The psychology of Money by Morgan Housel

The psychology of Money deals with how money moves in the economy, how personal biases and emotional factors play an important role in financial decisions, and how people think more rationally about money., find out how to make better decisions. 

It is an all-time classic and a must-read book on our list making it one of the best books on money.

Big Ideas: 

  • Being greedy can be the biggest financial mistake you make. 
  • Envy has no place in the financial markets because it can cloud your thinking. 
  • Our early experiences with money guide our financial decisions later. 


  • It doesn’t matter how smart you are when it comes to making money and building wealth. Instead, what matters is how you behave.  
  • Even the smartest people can lose control of their emotions and end up in a financial crisis. On the other hand, ordinary people with solid behavioral skills can become rich without financial education.
  • To make the best financial decisions, you must be able to deal with your inner emotional and mental turmoil. 
  • Given the lack of modern financial knowledge, many of the poor financial decisions that we ultimately make are due to people’s collective inexperience. 
  • Don’t risk what you already have or need for something you don’t have or don’t really need. 
  • Wealth accumulation and preservation are two different perspectives. Wealth is easy to build, but very hard to keep. There are many ways to accumulate wealth, but only one way to keep it.

9. The financial Diet by Chelsea Fagan

The Financial Diet is a personal finance book for people who don’t care about their personal finances. 

Whether you’re in need of an overdose detox, drowning in student debt, or trying to find a way to live off your starting salary, The Financial Diet will help you budget, understand your investments, and build your credit. Provides tools to manage. 

Chelsea Fagan has consulted many experts to help you make the best decisions for you, but she also knows that managing your money smarter isn’t just about what you put in the bank. I’m here.

 It’s about everything from the clothes you put in your closet, to your financial relationship habits, to the groceries you keep in your kitchen (rather than reordering them).

 That’s why The Financial Diet gives you the tools to negotiate a pay raise, as well as her recipe for the perfect cocktail to celebrate your new paycheck. 

Big Ideas: 


  • Don’t put anything on your credit card that you can’t pay off within a month 
  • Don’t spend money you don’t have on things you think are worth it 
  • Never go without checking your account balance more than once a week 
  • Don’t imagine. The savings just magically appear. 


  • Your goal is to live a 50/30/20 lifestyle.  
  • That means you should spend 50% of your income on fixed expenses like rent and bills. 
  • You must spend 30% of your income on daily and variable expenses. This can be your shopping or evening. After all, you should save 20% of your income. 


  • One of the great things about adulthood is the freedom it brings. You can stay up late and spend your money however you like. That freedom is imperative, and creating a tight budget for yourself can feel limiting. But without it, you’re financially lost forever. 
  • Ask yourself- Are you working for your money or is the money working for you? Get as many things working as quickly as possible by investing. 
  • For many of us, when we think of investing, the image that comes to mind is of a man on the trading floor, yelling into his phone, frantically buying and selling stocks and bonds. 
  • The good news is that the investment reality is very different and much simpler. But before we dive in, we need to do two things. 
  • Depositing money in a fund is not the only way to invest in the future. It can also broaden your career horizons and broaden your skills and experience.

10. Happy Money by Ken Honda

Happy Money by Ken Honda is a beautifully written book that reinvents the way you look at your personal finances. You will understand that money flows like water and visits like guests simply puts it on the list of best books on money. 

Reflect on your own attitudes and how they were shaped by the beliefs you were taught about money as a child. If you can heal your fears and anxieties about money, you can achieve prosperity and peace.


Big Ideas:

  • You need to find a balance between indulgence and rigor. Between success and happiness; between motivation and inspiration. 
  • We tend to think of it as an either-or-both decision, but it’s really just the pillars on either side of the door you have to go through.
  • Money is an inevitably stressful issue for many of us. Managing our personal finances is complicated, time-consuming, and often daunting, especially when the countdown to payday is slow. 



  • It mainly explains our relationships with money. How do we feel about it? How can we improve our negative attitude toward money? How can we fix our emotional traumas with money and live a prosperous life with it?


  • There is an idea that if someone is making a lot of money, we have no chance of making more money. We believe that money is finite. This false belief that we have no money leads to negative behaviors such as greed, jealousy, and fear. Imagine having infinite money and being able to really believe in not rushing.

  • Money spent to create love and happiness is happy money. It has a very fast blending rate.
  • If you can trust that money is there for you today and will be there for you in the future, you are likely to live a happy and fulfilling life. You probably feel blessed.


  • Money can’t buy happiness. I can’t do anything. However, if money is nearby, it will be easier to be freed from past and future worries.


  • Many studies show that a person’s happiness increases in direct proportion to money, but only up to about $1 million, which is roughly equivalent to financial freedom. Beyond that, there must be no correlation and there must be something else boosting your happiness.

At last,

These books are all-time classics especially when you want to start to understand the fundamental science of making money. This list is also based on chronology can be benefited, readers. So we recommend studying in the same order that we have mentioned on the list for more effective results.

These books are for students, professionals, businessmen, and those who are an enthusiast about understanding wealth and money.

Good luck to all the readers for your great financial journey ahead!!

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